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Building Strong Parent-Child Connections: Nurturing Bonds and Understanding Behavior

Writer's picture: Lynn CukajLynn Cukaj

By Lynn Cukaj, ATR-BC, MHC-LP

Art Therapy for Children, Teenagers and Adults

Meaningful parent-child connections can happen at any time with active effort. The key is to foster positive relationships through quality time, effective communication, and understand the reasons behind challenging behaviors. This blog is intended to offer valuable insights and activities for parents seeking to nurture lasting bonds with their children.

Creating a deep and meaningful connection with our child is a fundamental question for many of us. Is this parent-child bond formed before birth, at birth, or after birth? And does it make a difference if the child is raised by biological parents or through adoption? The truth is, a strong connection and attachment can develop at any point in the child's life, as long as parents actively make an effort to build a loving bond. Quality time spent with each parent is crucial for nurturing relationships, even in single-parent households, where spending time with the non-custodial parent can foster a healthy attachment.

At the heart of parental and child relationships lies mutual love and respect. However, it's crucial to acknowledge that cases involving abuse or domestic violence may not lead to a viable or healthy relationship. On the other hand, positive reinforcement, praise, and encouragement play significant roles in strengthening positive, healthy relationships with caregivers. Not only do these aspects benefit the child's development, but they also boost the caregiver's confidence in their parenting abilities.

Emphasizing social and emotional development is key to building lasting relationships. Developing an emotional vocabulary helps both parents and children recognize, label, and understand feelings, both in themselves and others, leading to more meaningful connections and stronger bonds.

A valuable exercise for caregivers is to reflect on someone special from their own childhood and answer two questions: What prompted them to think of this person, and what qualities or actions made that person so important and special to them?

An "Encouragement Log" is an impactful activity to incorporate into your evening routine that can aim to foster a more positive and nurturing environment, promoting a stronger bond and healthier communication with your child in the process.

Step 1: Complete the following sentence.

I supported, encouraged, or provided positive feedback to my child when _________________.

Step 2: Answer the following questions.

How did my child react?

How did they feel?

How did I feel?

Step 3: Identify a proactive step you aim to take in the upcoming week to nurturing your parent-child relationship and enhance positive communication to strengthen and build your bond. Here are 5 effective examples:

1. Set aside dedicated time each day for one-on-one conversations with your child, asking about their day, actively listening to their thoughts and feelings without interruptions or distractions. This can be accomplished at dinner, on a walk, or at night before bed.

2. Incorporate positive affirmations and encouraging statements into your interactions with your child, focusing on their strengths and efforts.

3. Engage in shared activities that interest your child, demonstrating genuine interest and enthusiasm for their hobbies and passions. For younger children, read a book, play together, or sing favorite songs together. Letting your child help with a project or things around the house is also effective.

4. Practice patience and understanding when conflicts arise, taking the time to calmly discuss issues and find resolutions together.

5. Show affection and support through physical gestures such as hugs, high-fives, pats on the back, and saying, “I love you”, reinforcing the emotional connection with your child.

Empowering Positive Communication: Reframing words for encouragement instead of discipline

In this activity, we focus on guiding our children towards desired behaviors by providing clear instructions and using language that suits their age and comprehension level. By avoiding negative phrasing and opting for positive alternatives, such as "walking feet" instead of "don't run" or "inside voices" instead of "no yelling," we foster a more effective and encouraging approach to parenting.

Here are more examples of negative phrasing and positive alternatives that parents can use to encourage positive behavior in children:

Negative: "Stop jumping on the couch!"

Positive: "Let's keep our feet on the floor."

Negative: "Stop interrupting when I'm talking."

Positive: "Wait for your turn to speak, please."

Negative: "Don't touch that!"

Positive: "Look with your eyes, not your hands."

Negative: "No hitting your sister!"

Positive: "Use gentle hands and talk to your sister about how you feel."

Negative: "Stop making a mess!"

Positive: "Let's clean up together when we finish playing."

Negative: "Don't play with your food."

Positive: “Let’s try using your fork."

Negative: "No more screen time!"

Positive: "It's time to take a break from the screen and find something else to do."

Negative: "Don't be rude to others."

Positive: "Be kind and respectful in your interactions with others."

Negative: "Stop whining!"

Positive: "Use your regular voice to ask for what you need."

Negative: "Stop arguing with me!"

Positive: "Let's talk calmly and find a solution together.”

By phrasing our instructions and corrections in positive ways, we empower children to understand and embrace the desired behaviors while maintaining a supportive and nurturing atmosphere.


As parents, it is key we take moments to reflect on our recent interactions with our child and identify areas of pride and areas where there is room for improvement. Engaging in activities with our children, regardless of their age, can be an incredibly powerful way to strengthen bonds through shared experiences and interests. This, in turn, lays the groundwork for strong communication and coping skills which help children manage stress and anxiety.

Here are some effective strategies to enhance your child's emotional development:

  • Engage in open conversations about feelings, encouraging them to express themselves by saying, "Tell me how that makes you feel."

  • Introduce new emotion words, such as "frustrated," "confused," "excited," "worried," and "disappointed," and discuss how characters in books, videos, or on TV may experience similar emotions.

  • Reflect on specific situations together and have meaningful discussions about feelings.

  • Provide a supportive environment that accepts and validates your child's emotional expressions.

  • Utilize books and art activities as tools to explore and discuss emotions.

  • Model emotional expression by openly discussing your own feelings in various situations.

  • Engage in pretend play with toy figurines, stuffed animals, or puppets, encouraging the use of "feeling words."

By implementing these practices, you can foster your child's emotional growth and understanding, promoting a healthy and expressive emotional life.

Understanding the reasons behind our children's behavior is essential, and it's crucial to approach challenging behavior reasonably and rationally. By doing so, we can plan better and determine logical consequences for these behaviors. Safety issues require immediate attention, while other behaviors may call for creative approaches to prevent power struggles.

Redirection responses are useful in handling challenging behaviors proactively, and it's essential to identify the triggers that lead to such behaviors. Preparing a behavior plan involves considering what works best for the parent and the family, whether it's writing it down, discussing it with others, or figuring it out personally.

A Behavior Plan entails proactive and preventive measures against undesirable behaviors, teaching and practicing new skills, and adopting fresh responses and perspectives.

For instance, if getting dressed in the morning becomes a struggle, offering choices can be an effective way to avoid power struggles. Safety plans are particularly important as children grow older, especially when it comes to issues like substance experimentation. Developing a safety plan in collaboration with the child can provide them with solutions for handling uncomfortable situations and peer pressure.

Open and meaningful conversations with children, even when they are reluctant to engage, are essential for understanding their feelings and needs. By listening and interpreting their behavior, parents can gain valuable insights into their children's emotions and perspectives.

Below is a helpful worksheet (pdf) designed to assist you during challenging moments with your child. This practical exercise will guide you in identifying triggers and behavior patterns, empowering you to address and overcome undesirable behavior effectively.


For more therapeutic activities and resources on how to incorporate Art Therapy into your life, read more from Lynn's Creative Expressions Blog.

Learn more about Art Therapy and Lynn Cukaj, Board Certified Art Therapist here:

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